
World war 3 date
World war 3 date

world war 3 date

Mine is lighter, and cheaper it's just a simple surgical mask. I also wear anti-virus body armor, just as my daughter, a noncombatant in Afghanistan had, to wear her armor. But staying home gives me a much better chance to avoid COVID and to keep them from getting it. Even putting limits on public behavior is hard I want to go to a restaurant, want to hug my daughter, and see my son. Quarantine works, but people don't like it. With a strict quarantine, this disease would have been crushed 150,000 lives ago. Stay home lock down the economy hold until there are no new cases. The hardest tool to use in epidemiology is quarantine. Herd immunity didn't work in Sweden, and anyway, getting there will cost 100,000 lives. Far into the future, physical protection will be important to crush this bug. They are a lot more certain to give protection even than a vaccine. We do have, however, good physical defenses against COVID-19. Related: The Latest Rundown on the Military's Coronavirus Cases And it will take months upon months to line up everybody and get them protected. It will probably take two shots, a few weeks apart, to give you a good chance of immunity. It could be months before there is enough for every American. If a vaccine becomes available next month, when will you be able to get it? Not immediately. Vaccines don't always work there is no way to know if your shot worked for you. I wouldn't cross the street if I thought there was a 1 in 200 chance it would put me in a coffin.įor now, we lack any biomedical defenses against COVID-19. Go into a crowd where there are sick people including some who don't know they're carriers.

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There isn't enough Regeneron for everybody the latest studies say Remdesivir doesn't help much, if at all. And about 1% of all those who get sick, well, they die. Many victims go through a week or two of agony, short of breath, aching badly, running a high fever, but then get well. My daughter caught the bug a few months ago, lost her sense of taste for two weeks, and felt poorly. Even if you've had the jab, if you get exposed to the virus you could have the chance of a coin flip of getting infected. If it's like most vaccines, it will only be 50% to 80% effective.

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But first, let's suppose we got a vaccine by the end of the year.

World war 3 date